Our Carbon Emission Estimation Calculator has been developed to help any business moving shipments around the world, to measure their Carbon Impact
Not only can we tell you how much your shipment as emitted, but we can tell you the Carbon Emission for each leg and mode of transport, the distance travelled and what to do with the Carbon Emissions.
CocoonCarbon® has the following:
This is a simple tool to allow you to estimate your Carbon Emissions/Footprint for your shipments.
Our calculator will calculate the emissions displayed as follows:
The calculator will show you the following Green House Gases emitted:
To get your Carbon Emissions Estimatescalculated you just need the following:
If your shipment is door to door you will need to put in each leg of the shipment.
On each of the movement legs you then choose the mode of transport (Road/Sea/Air)
Once you hit submit you will see the results below including the estimated recommend number of trees and also the Emission figures to help with Carbon Offsetting via Carbon Credit.
The free calculator below will measure WTW (Well-to-Wheel) and will make general assumptions. For indepth emissions you will need to use our API or Portal.
If you would like to use this the calculator above, we can provide this as an iFrame and you can embed this onto your website for free.
If the results return a Zero figure, don't worry we may not have the post code of port. We have all Seaports & Airports and most the World Postcodes
The port code format should be GBSOU (first 2 digits are the country code, last 3 digits are location code)
However new postcodes/zip codes are created. If you contact us with the missing postcode we will then update our databases.
Formulas and assumptions used for the calculation of Estimation of CO2e emissions are based on the framework of accredited sources such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
Distances may differ as many factors can change the direction of travel. We will either use Actual Distance or Great circle distance (GCD - Also known as direct distance or ‘as the crow flies’)
Weather,atmospheric conditions,equipment age and other factors can effect getting an accurate calculation.
Freight is based on averages using 2024 GHG Protocol and Methodology
Carbon Emissions are estimates and not actual and CocoonFMS® Ltd do not bear any responsibility and liability for the completeness and accuracy of these calculations used.
The C02Emission we report to be absorbed by trees is an estimation and taken from various accredited sources. The assumption is a tree will be fully formed.
Carbon Sequestration: Capturing and storing atmospheric CO₂ through natural processes (trees)
Carbon Avoidance: Preventing new greenhouse gas emissions through renewable energy or efficiency projects.
Carbon Insetting: Reducing or sequestering emissions within a company’s own supply chain or operations.
Carbon Offsetting: Compensating emissions by funding external projects that reduce or remove greenhouse gases.
All figures reported are Estimates and not Exact.
The data supplied in this tool is based on these source data provided by the user and other assumptions; therefore, this information may not be accurate or current and is not valid for pricing or planning. No warranty of fitness for any purpose is made or implied.
Carbon Emissions are estimates and not actual.
Planting Trees don't carbon offset, they're to help the plant in the future. Using Carbon Credits through accredited providers is the correct method fo Carbon Offsetting.
Carbon Credits are rounded up to the nearest tonne(s)
Data from this tool can not be disclosed to 3rd parties without CocoonFMS Ltd's approval.
Data can be used to estimate Carbon Emissions.
Other usages of the data
must be communicated and agreed with CocoonFMS Ltd.